Ho, ho, ho! I couldn’t be more thrilled at this moment to bring you a very special column which includes some of the favorite Christmas songs of our entire staff!
We’re going to start with our Enchanting Emma and then work our way through in the order in which these were given to me. I’ll come back at the end to close and note my own.
While you read, you might find a few of your favorite Christmas songs listed, or even discover some new ones to enjoy.
Enchanting Emma
My favorite Christmas song is “It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas,” by Michael Buble because I remember singing this song in a school concert when I was maybe 8 years old. Every year, when I hear this song, it takes me back to that time in my life.
My second favorite is probably “White Winter Hymnal” by Pentatonix because it’s catchy. I like to listen to this song with my sister, Harley. We sing our hearts out. This song is about the passage of time and seasons.
My third favorite Christmas song is “Frosty The Snowman” by Bing Crosby, because it’s a classic. I remember watching the movie a lot, even when it wasn’t Christmas. And my mom is always singing it. (The Marvelous Marcy.) She just sang it the other day.
Boss Man P.J.
My favorite Christmas song is “Blue Christmas” by Elvis because I like the way it’s sung.
My second favorite song is “Little Saint Nick” by the Beach Boys because I’ve been a Beach Boys fan since I was 8 years old. This song is very reminiscent of their early material and was recorded during that time frame in 1963.
My third favorite Christmas song is “Thank God For Kids” by the Oak Ridge Boys. This song was on their Christmas record in 1982, and it does mention Christmas.
When it was released, I was two years old, and my aunt Bessie would always sing the song to me. She even bought the 45 record for me. I still have it.
(P.J. is a giant, enormous, unbelievably-energetic music fan. He has thousands of CDs, records, 8 tracks and cassettes.)
Marvelous Marcy
I’d like to start with my third-place winner. It’s “Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree” by Brenda Lee. It puts out a good Christmas vibe for me. It gets me bopping.
Coming in at second-place is “Winter Wonderland” by various artists. I like this song because when I was in middle school cheerleading, we did a dance on stage for the school, and that song and dance sticks with me to this day.
Note: I only joined cheerleading so I could hold the flag in the parade.
And coming in at number one is Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You.” I like this song because usually the kids and I play this when we’re baking. We start dancing in the kitchen and baking, and it turns into a good time. It’s a great song to get you in the Christmas spirit.
And like Emma said, I do sing “Frosty the Snowman,” and I also like “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus.”
(Secret Agent Man?)
It’s really hard for me to pick just three, because there are so many good ones. These aren’t in any particular order. I prefer Christmas songs that are actually about Jesus and the Gospel. Third Day’s version of “What Child Is This?” is one of my favorites. I also really like “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.” One of my new favorites is the metalcore rendition of “Joy To The World” by August Burns Red. Metal can be an aggressive style of music, but when it’s played in a major key, it goes from sounding angry to sounding joyful and triumphant (at least it does for me).
(Since Luke said it was hard to pick three, I asked him to elaborate a little more. It’s my column, and he can have more songs if he wants to!)
Another Christian metalcore band called Wolves at the Gate has an original Christmas song called “Lowborn” that I really like because it talks about Christ’s willingness to humble Himself, take on flesh and then go to the cross in our place. Wolves at the Gate also did a metal cover of “Come Thou Long Expected Jesus” that I really like.
There are some instrumental songs I like, too. Trans-Siberian Orchestra has an awesome rendition of “Carol Of The Bells” that combines classical orchestra and rock and roll. They also have a medley of “The First Noel” and “O Come All Ye Faithful” called “Faith Noel.”
Some other honorable mentions are “Little Drummer Boy” and “Angels We Have Heard On High” by For King and Country, and “O Come O Come Emmanuel.”
While it’s hard for me to pick my favorites, my least favorite Christmas song is without question “Wonderful Christmastime,” by Paul McCartney for just being boring, repetitive and shallow.
Ha, ha, ha! I found all my co-workers contributions to be enlightening, entertaining and humorous. A good trifecta for any column. Thank you all for sharing some personal preferences for our dear readers.
Okay, so... several of my choices have already been mentioned. I also love “Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree” by Brenda Lee, which was one of Marcy’s choices. Brenda Lee has a new official music video out that is so hilarious. Search for it and enjoy.
Another of Marcy’s picks was “All I Want For Christmas Is You.” Check out the Vince Vance & the Valiants version for a good laugh and a cool hairdo idea. The Vince version was actually my favorite Christmas song for more than one year in a row.
Yes, I’m spoiled. I actually have a runoff each and every Christmas for my favorite songs. They compete all December, and then I pick my top ones on Christmas Eve. I usually have a top ten, which is why I felt for Luke trying to pick just three.
But... I did try to pick three for this column. I had them all in my phone, listed with videos and ready to go for this column. And guess what? They ALL got picked already!
Luke picked two of the songs also on my list: “Angels We Have Heard On High” by For King and Country (another great video) and Trans-Siberian Orchestra’s “Carol Of The Bells.” I’ve also selected the Trans-Siberian Orchestra’s “Midnight Christmas Eve” as a top choice before.
And Luke’s King and Country’s “Little Drummer Boy” has an awesome video out from CMA’s Country Christmas show.
P.J. also picked one of my favorite Christmas songs, and a winner one of my years, “Blue Christmas.” This song was on one of my very first records. I received a record player one Christmas, along with an Elvis album and a Flatt and Scruggs album. Apparently, Santa liked similar music to mom and dad.
Of note, Wild Bill Emerson from right around here on Bull Mountain, had a “Blue Christmas” version I loved playing on WERH.
I also loved Emma’s Michael Buble pick, and I even bought his first Christmas album when it came out. I love his “Home,” too.
I’m not sure yet what will be my number one favorite this year. I still have a week. I‘m really enjoying the Piano Guys’ “Angels From The Realms Of Glory,” and the video is awesome, too. And although it’s not just a Christmas song, I have selected “Angels Among Us” by Alabama as a winner before.
If I go back to my childhood, or at least my tween years, I remember picking “The First Noel” for our school Christmas recital just because it was not playing anywhere on the radio at that time. I was taking piano lessons, and I picked it to perform because I felt sorry the beautiful song about the very first Christmas was not as popular as other Christmas songs. I guess I was like Charlie Brown and his Christmas tree.
Thankfully, since then, it’s gotten a lot more play, recognition and popularity. The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square (formerly Mormon Tabernacle Choir) has a beautiful new video out you might enjoy watching and listening to. And seriously, no Christmas song list would be complete without mentioning them. They have remarkable renditions of numerous Christmas songs.
I guess I just love ALL Christmas songs. I even love that Paul McCartney one. I love Christmas, and I love Christmas songs! And I like to have fun with Christmas songs at Christmastime and share them with friends and family.
My sister, “Sissy,” and I even text each other a different Christmas song every other day during December. She sent me the Bryan Adams’ “Christmas Time (Classic Version) video on the 15th, and it was so playful and fun, it made me laugh out loud and filled my soul with joy and Christmas Spirit.
The song keeps running through my mind over and over, too. I wonder if it’ll be a contender for the top spot? Other honorable mentions for me include several past number ones, such as Sonny James’ “Christmas In My Hometown,” Alan Jackson’s “Let It Be Christmas,” Alabama’s “Christmas In Dixie,” Jose Feliciano’s “Feliz Navidad,” and for several years in my 20s, I loved “Silver Bells” the most.
I’m always moved or brought to tears by “It Came Upon The Midnight Clear” and “Away In A Manger.” I’ve written before about my first thought after learning I’d be a grandma. It was, “Now, I can get run over by a reindeer.” I think you know that song...
Christmas is for kids, and it’s also for the child inside us all. My sister and I just watched some of the Peanuts’ “A Charlie Brown Christmas” videos together via long-distance and YouTube. The songs and phrases took us back to childhood, and we laughed so much together.
It’s priceless memories like that, songs we love, moments we share, slowing down just a little bit (hopefully) during the Christmas holidays that maybe mean so much to me.
Of course, our Salvation and the GREATEST GIFT of ALL are truly what means the most. Thank you, God, for Baby Jesus, our Savior! Thank you for creating us, loving us and loving us still... And for loving us so much You gifted us with Your Son.
And speaking of our Beloved Birthday Boy, “O Holy Night” by GENTRI has a great official music video out you might also enjoy.
Thanks for reading and “Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas!”
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