Hayes questions deed acceptance

WINFIELD - In an item of old business at the Thursday, Sept. 5, Winfield City Council meeting, councilman Jimmy Hayes questioned whether the city should accept the deed presented to the city by Northwest Medical Center Chief Executive Officer Bob Henger without voting on it first.
Henger presented the deed for a small parcel of land and a building located at 175 State Highway 253 at the council’s Tuesday, Aug. 20, meeting. The vacant building, located next to the Christian Center of Concern, is a former doctor’s office built in 1960 with an appraised value of $71,000. The land is appraised at $15,345 for a total appraised value of $87,245, city clerk Angie Oliver said referencing Marion County Tax Assessor maps.
“Personally, I don’t think we need to accept that,” Hayes said.
“We don’t need to accept that?” mayor Randy Price asked.


See complete story in the Journal Record.
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