Fulton Bridge Baptist Church Pastor Shane Stidham (far left) was presented with a $2,000 donation from Marion County Elks Lodge Exalted Ruler Jack McDaniel and treasurer Vickie Hayes on Aug. 22 at the church immediately before one of its community food drives.
Among the volunteers assisting with the food drive at Fulton Bridge Baptist Church on Aug. 22 were a number of members from the Marion County Elks Lodge.
Local lodge treasurer Vickie Hayes was the person who alerted the Journal Record to the food drive. She also notified us of the Elks Lodge’s $2,000 donation to the church to be used to help with its food bank efforts.
“We were able to make a donation of this size last year, and we wanted to do it again this year to help with the food bank,” Hayes said.
“The church does a food drive usually every month, and some of the Elks Lodge members volunteer to help with the food drive. They help to set up the boxes and load them with food items and then put them into the vehicles.
“It was overwhelming the first time,” she said. “It was sad--on one hand--to see the need our community has. But as you hand out the food and see smiling faces and thank you’s, it’s very rewarding, and they are so appreciative.
“You can’t help but feel very blessed to be able to be a part of something so good. I know God has a hand in it. Shane and Kim Stidham do a great job coordinating with the food truck and the volunteers.
“They work hard to get all the tables set up and all the boxes loaded--just getting it all together is a lot of effort.”
Hayes is also a member of the Fulton Bridge Baptist Church, which her parents and grandparents also attended.
Many other church members could be seen among those working the food drive line, with other local volunteers also joining in.
But early on Aug. 22, Hayes noted there were initially not enough people off of work that day to assist as were usually present.
“But people found out we needed help,” she said. “You could feel God moving that day. Walmart sent people. The water department and the parks and rec department sent people. Tombigbee sent people--just to name a few. There were others who volunteered. It was just a blessing.
“We had all these cars in line, waiting to pick up food. And just the timing of it all--was perfect. I wish we had more volunteers, and maybe with this being put into the newspaper, other people and other organizations will see and help with this need in our community.”
Hayes noted the Elks Lodge members are proud to be a part of both the physical and financial efforts with the food drive. She also explained more about how the organization funded its recent donation.
“Members of the Marion County Elks Lodge pay dues, as do all the other lodges. Then our dues go to the state and federal level,” she noted.
“The organization then redistributes some of those funds back to us in grants. Those grants help to pay for big donations. Besides the food drive, we also help with other ongoing needs for several non-profits as those needs are brought before us.”
To learn more about the local Elks Lodge, Hayes can be reached at 205-412-1082.
See complete story in the Journal Record.
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