Hamilton Methodist invites all to 100th celebration

HAMILTON — The Hamilton Methodist Church will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the completion of its sanctuary on Sunday, Oct. 20.
Pastor Jeff Armbrester has invited everyone in the community to attend the historic day of celebration.
Plans call for an extended time of fellowship from 8:30-9:45 a.m. in the atrium, followed by worship in the sanctuary from 10-11:30 a.m. Afterward, a covered dish luncheon will be held in the fellowship hall.
Armbrester provided some of the background of the church in “The Memo,” the church’s weekly newsletter, in an article written by him.
“The people called Methodist in early 20th Century Marion County had an audacious vision to build a sanctuary that would seat 25 percent of the population of Hamilton,” he wrote. “So, they set about making that dream become a reality.
“They had met in various locations for the 50-plus years they had been a congregation. Land was donated on the northeast corner of Military Street and Bexar Avenue. Construction on the grand structure began, and in October 1924, the new sanctuary of Hamilton Methodist Episcopal Church South was completed.
“Tradition says that many people from miles around came to see the new sanctuary, which was one of the tallest buildings in the area at that time.”
Armbrester noted that during the last 100 years, many people have experienced the “saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
“Babies, children and adults have been baptized,” he noted. “Many couples have celebrated marriage and began their lives together. Countless sermons have been preached. Bible studies have been taught. Revivals and singings have encouraged people when they were struggling.
“The sanctuary has provided a place for people to gather for worship, prayer and fellowship. In fact, the impact of the sanctuary has reached far beyond the City of Hamilton and the surrounding counties.
“People and money have been sent around the world to assist people when disasters have occurred and to support missionaries who have given their lives to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in far away places. And with God’s blessings, these ministries will continue.
“Please make plans to attend this historic day of celebration.”

See complete story in the Journal Record.
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