There appears to be rotten wood on the door to the band room at Phillips High School.
BEAR CREEK — The condition of certain areas of Phillips Schools has alarmed members of the Phillips High School Alumni Association, who are asking school officials for more accountability to fix the issues.
These issues are reportedly being addressed, while other areas of the school are seeing major improvements, but changes cannot be made overnight, stressed Phillips High School Principal Tina Coan.
“Safety is first and foremost, and it’s a work in progress,” Coan pointed out. “Things can’t be done overnight, so let’s take what’s most important, and let’s work together to get it done.
“It’s just like an old house you want to remodel. You are not going to get it done in a week,” Coan stressed.
“You have to have quotes on certain things, then you have it approved, not just by the board,” Coan continued. “Some things are architect-approved...You may have a $10,000 project that costs you $20,000.”
See complete story in the Journal Record.
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