With a theme of “Building Tomorrow’s Future,” many state, city and local school boards are being recognized in the month of January for all their efforts on behalf of students and communities across the nation.
In Marion County, we are so fortunate to have two great school boards, the Winfield City Board of Education and the Marion County Board of Education.
We applaud each board member and thank them for all their years of dedication and service for our youth during their many years in school, which is often one of the most definitive periods of their entire lives.
The School Board Recognition Program was launched in 1989 in Michigan, with five participating states. Today nearly every state participates. In their campaign toolkit, Michigan Marketing Coordinator Stacy Washington noted, “Leadership that inspires, vision that transforms--thank you to our extraordinary school board members for creating magic in education! Your guidance and decision-making are crucial to shaping the future of our students and providing them with the best opportunities to learn and grow. We appreciate the countless hours you devote to understanding complex educational issues, collaborating with stakeholders and making tough decisions.”
Well said, Stacy. With your goal of helping to build public understanding and support, we feel you would not mind us sharing your remarks with our readers. We don’t feel we could say this any better than you already have.
Alabama’s Association of School Boards notes, “Public education is the cornerstone of our community... The dedicated public servants who serve on the school board are on the front lines, using their governance role to ensure the best possible outcomes for the students and families they serve.”
Regarding what school boards do, they explained, “Effective school boards function in a governance role, collaborating with their respective superintendents to craft a vision and goals to guide the superintendent and his/her staff in the effective education of all the system’s students.”
At the MCBOE meeting on Jan. 17, Superintendent Dr. Patrick Sutton noted, “I want us to take a moment to recognize this is School Board Appreciation month. That is something we are very excited about. We appreciate all your time and all you do for the students of Marion County. We are blessed to have a fantastic board.”
“We are blessed to have a school board that are all Winfield graduates,” Winfield City Schools Superintendent Randy Thomley stated. “They have a vested interest in our schools and community to be the very best school district and community. I appreciate their willingness to serve our children and families.”
Please thank your school board members when you see them out and about in your city. Again, we appreciate every one of you and all your efforts on behalf of the beloved students and our esteemed educators and administrators in Marion County.
See complete story in the Journal Record.
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