HAMILTON — To raise awareness and help prevent Human Trafficking, the City of Hamilton proclaimed the month of January as “Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Month.”
Since 2011, the city has seen the need to bring attention to the dire situation and its consequences on victims on a city, state, national and global level.
The city encourages all residents to join them in raising the visibility of these crimes and become more informed on ways to prevent, recognize and respond to potential victims.
“Human trafficking has become a worldwide problem,” mayor Bob Page noted. “There are different versions that exist, including sexual exploitation, forced labor, involuntary servitude, debt bondage and other methods of slavery. An estimated 27.6 million are subject to this globally. It’s a terrible thing.
“We do ask the public if they see anything going on in our community, to please bring it to the attention of law officials, and let’s try to remedy this.”
In other business on Jan. 6, the council:
• Changed the date of the next council meeting in observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday on Jan. 20, moving the meeting to Jan. 21; and
• Amended the city’s holiday schedule for 2025 to read the city will observe Wednesday, Dec. 24, for Christmas Eve, and Thursday, Dec. 25, for Christmas Day.
National observance
Since 2010, the nation has observed January as Human Trafficking Prevention Month. On its state.gov website, the U.S. Department of State shares information that some traffickers take advantage of instability caused by natural disasters, conflicts or pandemics to exploit others.
See complete story in the Journal Record.
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