The Marion County Firefighters Association held its monthly meeting Thursday night, June 27, at Bama-Q Pit & Grill in Hamilton.
HAMILTON - The Marion County Firefighters Association voted to approve a measure to relocate its Hackleburg repeater during its regular meeting on Thursday, June 27 at Bama-Q Pit & Grill in Hamilton.
A repeater is a radio tower that allows firefighters’ handheld radios and the radios in their trucks to communicate at a longer range.
“It is a radio on a tower at an elevated site that our low-power handhelds and mobiles (radios) in the trucks talk into and then broadcasts it out from a high elevation,” said Augy Avery, the assistant chief at the Shiloh Volunteer Fire Department and the communications officer for the Marion County Firefighters Association.
See complete story in the Journal Record.
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