Relating to Marion County; to create the Service of Process Fund; to provide for service of process; and to provide for the collection and dispensation of fees associated with service of process.
Section 1. (a) The Marion County Service of Process Fund is created and referred to in this section as the fund. The county commission shall keep an account of all transactions associated with the fund for audit by the Department of Examiners of Public Accounts at the same time as the commission's other accounts are audited.
(b) The Sheriff of Marion County may contract with a private, public, or governmental entity for the purpose of service of process for any document other than a warrant for arrest.
(c)(1) In addition to all existing charges, fees, judgments, and costs of court, the clerk, sheriff, or other appropriate court official in the criminal division of the district and circuit courts of Marion County, shall collect a service of process fee of thirty dollars ($30) per document which shall be paid into the fund.
(2) In addition to all existing charges, fees, judgments, and costs of court, the clerk, sheriff, or other appropriate court official in the civil division of the district and circuit courts of Marion County, shall collect a service of process fee of thirty dollars ($30) per document which shall be paid into the fund.
(d) The Marion County Commission may use the monies generated by this section at its discretion for any lawful purpose.
(e) The monies generated by this section shall not revert to the general fund of the county at the end of the fiscal year and shall not diminish or take the place of any other source of income for the county or any subdivision of the county. Section
2. This act shall become effective on the first day of the third month following its passage and approval by the Governor, or its otherwise becoming law.
April 26
May 3,10,17