Robert Snow takes the place of Eddie Bryant as Brilliant’s police chief
By Luke Brantley
Staff writer
BRILLIANT — The Town of Brilliant has a new police chief.
Robert Snow, formerly with the Guin and Winfield police departments, has been hired to fill the gap left by former chief Eddie Bryant’s resignation.
Brilliant Mayor Perry Franks said that Snow made the most sense to fill the position since he already did some work in Brilliant.
“Robert’s been working for us on a part-time basis while he’s been working for Winfield, and he’s been doing us a good job, so naturally if you have someone who’s doing a good job, you like to reward people who work hard for you,” Franks said.
Snow had previously been working for the Winfield City Police Department for about a year and had been with the Guin Police Department for several years before that.
“I’m very thankful to Mayor Franks and the council for bringing me on as chief, and I’m enjoying my time here. I look forward to making them proud.”
Snow announced his resignation at Winfield in April, which was approved by the city council.
“Chief (Brett) Burleson, I’d like to say thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve Winfield Police Department and the City of Winfield,” Snow’s letter of resignation read. “I’ve greatly enjoyed and benefited professionally from my time here.
“I felt at home from the moment I walked in the door, and the officers and city leadership have become like family to me.
“I have been presented with a career opportunity that will allow me to advance and further improve myself from both a professional and a personal aspect.
“I will continue to be available to assist you and the city at any time I am needed. Again, I would like to thank you for the amazing opportunity that you have given me and for trusting me to do the job that you expect.
“I hope I lived up to your expectations, and that I left a positive and lasting impact on the department. I would also like to thank Mayor (Randy) Price and the city council for allowing me to serve, as well.”
At a later city council meeting, two new officer hires were approved to fill empty positions in the Winfield Police Department: Cody Holmes and Hunter Lynn.
The Town of Brilliant also hired a new water clerk, Brittany Reid.
See complete story in the Journal Record.
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