Winfield kindergarten registration next week

WINFIELD —Kindergarten registration begins next Wednesday, May 3, at Winfield Elementary School.
Parents and guardians will be able to register their children for the upcoming school year, but children must be five years old on or before Sept. 1, 2023 to be eligible.
On May 3, parents or guardians will need to bring only the child registering for kindergarten, a copy of the original birth certificate, a copy of the child’s Social Security card, original up-to-date Alabama Immunization Record, two copies of proof of residence, completed enrollment forms and any pertinent court papers regarding the student’s care.
The school is asking parents and guardians to park in the lot between the track and the elementary school and enter through the auditorium doors and follow the signs that show where to go. The school is also asking that only children being registered attend, and siblings should not attend.
Student sign-in will begin at 8 a.m. Children registering for kindergarten will go to the gym and be placed in groups for the readiness test with teachers, while parents will go to the auditorium for parent orientation, which will start at about 8:30.
After the readiness test and orientation, parents can pick up their children from the gym.
Anyone who wants to learn more can call 205-487-2305 for more information.

See complete story in the Journal Record.
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