An example of base failure on County Road 63 is shown here. Right: County Road 55 will be a main focus for improvements due to the deep rutting problems as shown here in this five-inch roadway depression. All road photos are courtesy of Marion County Engineer Chris Wilbanks.
By Kathryn “Chazz” Hirschfeld
Staff writer
HAMILTON — Governor Kay Ivey announced in a press release last month that more than $40 million in state transportation funding is being awarded to cities and counties for various road and bridge projects.
The funding is made available through the Alabama Transportation Rehabilitation and Improvement Program-II (ATRIP-II), a program created by the Rebuild Alabama Act.
The Rebuild Alabama Act requires ATRIP-II to annually set aside a minimum of $30 million off the top of ALDOT’s share of new gas tax revenue for projects of local interest on the state highway system.
“Through the continued, steadfast implementation of the Rebuild Alabama Act, I’m proud to announce the allocation of over $40 million in state transportation funding,” she said. “This is a substantial investment that underscores our dedication to enhancing roads and bridges statewide.
“Alabamians deserve nothing short of excellence in their infrastructure, and Rebuild Alabama is continuing to deliver long-term results that are felt across every stretch of our state.”
Five county roads
to be improved
Marion County’s portion of the grant will be spent on pavement rehabilitation to approaches of five overpasses along I-22 within ALDOT right-of-way.
The ATRIP-II Award amount is $1,888,000. The local funds match is $112,000, for a total of $2 million.
The 5 roads are as follows: Site 1 - County Road 13 (District 2); Site 2 - County Road 55 (District 2); Site 3 - County Road 74 (District 5); Site 4 - County Road 68 (District 5); and Site 5 - County Road 63 (District 5).
Estes commends local assistance
Alabama State Representative Tracy Estes was also asked to comment on the grant.
“First of all, allow me to express my appreciation to Wes Spiller (ALDOT District 59 administrator) and his staff in Hamilton for the outstanding work they do within their respective transportation district,” he said. “I am blessed to work with some of the most outstanding professionals through his office.
“He and his staff are to be commended for working through the process to bring these monies home, and my office is honored to participate in the process as part of this collective team.
“Anytime I can assist in bringing $2 million back to our area, it is an extremely positive announcement. Improvements to our roadways, and in this particular case, the approaches to bridges crossing over Interstate 22, are critical to public safety.”
See complete story in the Journal Record.
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