Solar eclipse next Monday

By P.J. Gossett
General Manager
MARION COUNTY — Unusual phenomenon in the heavens bring wonder and awe to the population. This will occur next week when parts of the United States will see a total solar eclipse Monday, April 8, when the moon blocks the sun from view. Eclipse watchers in Marion County will not see a total eclipse but will see 90.6 percent of one, according to Times for Marion County are listed as follows: partial begins at 12:39 p.m., totality begins at 1:22, maximum begins at 1:59, totality ends at 2:34 and partial ends at 3:16.
Viewers can expect to notice darkness such as at the time of dawn or dusk.
The website also points out safety issues, such as viewing the sun with the naked eye or through a camera lens can cause permanent eye damage. It is recommended viewers use eclipse glasses or a safe handheld solar viewer at all times.

See complete story in the Journal Record.
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