Winfield City Schools

System COVID numbers get perspective

By Luke Brantley
Staff Writer

WINFIELD - Interim Winfield Superintendent of Education Randy Thomley says Winfield schools are in a fortunate position despite cases of COVID-19 increasing in Marion County communities.
“Since last Tuesday, Aug. 24, we’ve had 30 positive students and six positive employees,” Thomley said.
Winfield City Schools is requiring students to wear masks at all times while on the school campus. Marion County Schools have not made a mask requirement, though they are being encouraged.

Winfield schools requiring masks

Winfield City High School will welcome back masked students tomorrow, Thursday, Aug. 12. [Winfield City Schools]

WINFIELD — Winfield students returning for the fall semester will be required to wear masks, according to Winfield City Schools’ Path to Reopening.
The document, released by the board of education and amended on Aug. 6, details the precautions that will be put in place for students and faculty as the new school year begins in the midst of a rising number of COVID cases.


Cook says zero COVID cases since February

WINFIELD - Winfield City Schools Superintendent of Education Chris Cook announced that Winfield City Schools has not had a single case of COVID-19 since Feb. 4.
Cook stated this during the Winfield City Schools Board of Education meeting held on Tuesday, April 13, at Winfield Middle School.
“We haven't had a positive case since Feb. 4th, but we have one girl in the elementary school who is awaiting results now. She's shown some minor symptoms, but nothing serious,” Cook told the Journal Record.

Graduation ceremonies set for Thursday, Friday

By Scott Johnson
and Louis Mellini

Loosened public health orders have made room for graduations to take place.
Graduations at high schools across Marion County will take place beginning tomorrow (Thursday, May 21) and again on Friday, May 22.
High School seniors statewide with passing grades have been considered “graduates” since in-class instruction was suspended in March.
The graduation ceremonies are now set to commence due to updated public safety orders which took effect on Monday, May 11.


Systems provide 61,500 meals to children during shutdown

Winfield City Schools Special Education Aide Camille Sce hands out school-prepared meals on March 30 outside of Winfield Middle School. [Winfield City Schools]

By Scott Johnson
Managing Editor

Marion County’s public school systems have distributed thousands of meals during the COVID-19 shutdown.
According to information provided by the Marion County School System and the Winfield City School System, nearly 61,534 meals were provided for children out of school during March and April.


Whooping cough outbreak confirmed

WINFIELD -  Parents of the Winfield City School system were informed through a letter from the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) of an outbreak of pertussis, most commonly referred to as “whooping cough.”
According to the letter, pertussis begins with symptoms like the common cold such as runny nose, mild sore throat, minimal or no fever and a mild, dry cough. Additional symptoms may include vomiting and exhaustion.
The ADPH warns students and parents to avoid direct contact with a symptomatic individual.

System improves to an 89 (B)

WINFIELD - The Winfield City School System has earned an 89 on its report card for the 2018-2019 school year— an improvement over the previous school year’s score of 88.
The Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) published its 2018-2019 Education Report Cards on Friday, Oct. 18.
 Out of Alabama’s 137 school districts, there were 23 A’s, 80 B’s, 29 C’s and 3 D’s.
“It’s not where we wanted to be, but we’re moving in the right direction,” said Winfield Superintendent of Education Chris Cook.