Back through the years in Marion County...

Boston Masons

Masons of Boston, later Brilliant, are shown in this photo of about 1905 and submitted by Beth Gibbs. The first Masonic Lodge in Brilliant was in the Brilliant School, which had two classrooms on the first floor and one classroom and the lodge on the second floor.
Shown in the photo are Free Will Baptist Preacher Nelson; Harry Lipscomb, miner; Grant Cook, clerk at Wates Store; Dr. Sowell, first doctor of Brilliant; Mr. Abbott, the first check clerk at Brilliant; Alfred Wates, merchant; Bill Autry, coal tipple worker; John Granade, miner; W.B. Dowell, coal company superintendent; Belk Taylor, blacksmith; Meg Dickinson, commissary and check clerk; Arch Bowen, miner; Bob Hill, miner; Andrew Stevens, conductor; J.T. Gibbs, head of powerhouse; Tom Perry, miner; Jim Ennis, miner; Jesse Anderson Underwood, miner; Hib Hulsey, store man; George McDonald, flagman; Henderson Self, carpenter; Bright S. Fowler, miner; Tom Aston, miner; William Morton, coal weigher; Jerry Feltman, miner; and Jack Fowler, justice of the peace.

See complete story in the Journal Record.
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