I miss Mule Day, but...

My family moved to Winfield when I was halfway through second grade.
My dad had been hired as the youth minister at Winfield First Baptist Church, so we moved to Winfield and have been here ever since.
When we first arrived, my dad was informed of a tradition that applied to newcomers to town.
He was asked to be a pooper scooper in the annual Mule Day parade.
My family used to live in Vernon, so my parents were aware of Mule Day, but I was too young to remember it, so I was hearing of it for the first time.
My first memory of Mule Day is standing out in the hot sun watching my dad pick up equine excrement with a shovel along with a few other new Winfieldians.
As a kid, there was a lot I enjoyed about Mule Day: the parade of mules, horses and tractors, the Civil War reenactment in the park, the various fried and/or frozen foods, and so much more.
My family developed several annual traditions each year, like buying a Philly Cheesesteak and some roasted corn for lunch or handing out water on the front steps of the church in the morning.

See complete story in the Journal Record.
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