Marion County School System

Students will eat for free

MARION COUNTY — Students in the Winfield city and Marion County school systems will eat for free this upcoming school year through the Community Eligibility Program.
CEP was created under the 2010 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, which was intended to allocate federal funds to help feed students in lower-income areas of the country.
CEP allows for schools in areas with high poverty rates to offer free meals to all students, without any students having to apply to receive the free meals.

School systems seeking to assist children with disabilities

Public schools across Marion County are searching for children with disabilities or who are suspected of having disabilities in order to provide special services.
The program, simply referred to as Child Find, is a statewide program that is sponsored by the state Department of Education’s Division of Rehabilitation  Services, Early Intervention, and the Division of Special Education Services.
The program is an effort to locate, identify and evaluate individuals from birth to age 21 who have disabilities or who are suspected of having disabilities.

Graduation ceremonies set for Thursday, Friday

By Scott Johnson
and Louis Mellini

Loosened public health orders have made room for graduations to take place.
Graduations at high schools across Marion County will take place beginning tomorrow (Thursday, May 21) and again on Friday, May 22.
High School seniors statewide with passing grades have been considered “graduates” since in-class instruction was suspended in March.
The graduation ceremonies are now set to commence due to updated public safety orders which took effect on Monday, May 11.


Systems provide 61,500 meals to children during shutdown

Winfield City Schools Special Education Aide Camille Sce hands out school-prepared meals on March 30 outside of Winfield Middle School. [Winfield City Schools]

By Scott Johnson
Managing Editor

Marion County’s public school systems have distributed thousands of meals during the COVID-19 shutdown.
According to information provided by the Marion County School System and the Winfield City School System, nearly 61,534 meals were provided for children out of school during March and April.


Diesel mechanics course now offered at Brilliant School

Taylon Lothrop installs a window regulator on an 18-wheeler at Brilliant High School on Thursday, Sept. 26.

BRILLIANT - Students in the Marion County School system now have the opportunity to take a dual enrollment diesel mechanics class that could put them in the driver’s seat to a well-paying job in the future.
The class is being hosted at Brilliant High School and is a partnership between Bevill State Community College-Hamilton and the Marion County School System.

2018-2019 free or reduced lunches

Marion County Schools and Winfield City Schools have announced their policies for free and reduced-price meals for children served in schools under the National School Lunch Program and/or School Breakfast Program. 
Local school officials have adopted household size and income criteria for determining eligibility. (The price information is found on the accompanying chart on this page.)
If your total current household income is within the limits listed above, your children may be eligible for either free or reduced-price meals.