County system earns clean audit report

Examiner of Public Accounts Denise Olive (right) reviewed the Marion County Board of Education’s clean audit report for Fiscal Year 2018 at its meeting on Tuesday, July 23. Also shown is Marion County Superintendent of Education Ann West.

HAMILTON - The Marion County Board of Education received a good opinion from state auditors for Fiscal Year 2018.
Denise Olive with the Alabama Department of Examiners of Public Accounts presented the audit report to the board at a meeting on Tuesday, July 23.
Olive explained she was present at the meeting because in 2006, the Legislature passed an act requiring audits be presented during public meetings.
“We issued an unqualified opinion all financial statements, which basically means that the financial statements were materially correct and in compliance with the generally accepted accounting standards,” Olive said.


See complete story in the Journal Record.
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