North Mississippi Medical Center - Hamilton

Hamilton welcomes new hospital administrator

Underline: Present for the meet-and-greet for Robin Mixon (front row, center) are (front row, from left) NMMC-Hamilton Board Member Belinda McRae and Hamilton City Councilor Sherry Armstrong; and (back row, from left) Hamilton Mayor Bob Page, and hospital board members Bobby Wallace and Sonny Nix, and board chairman Wade Nixon.
HAMILTON — The City of Hamilton held a meet-and-greet for Robin Mixon, the new hospital administrator for North Mississippi Medical Center-Hamilton, on Monday, Nov. 20, at city hall.

Hamilton hospital gets top review

Special to the
Journal Record

HAMILTON — The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released updated star ratings, and North Mississippi Medical Center-Hamilton received five stars, the highest quality rating.
Of 4,586 hospitals, only 13.5%, or 455 hospitals, received five stars. North Mississippi Medical Center-Hamilton is one of only six hospitals in Alabama to receive five stars.


Elective surgeries resuming

HAMILTON - North Mississippi Medical Center (NMMC)-Hamilton resumed elective surgeries on Thursday, May 7.
NMMC-Hamilton provides general surgeries, ophthalmology (eyes) and otolaryngology (head and neck).
Gov. Kay Ivey’s Safer at Home order issued on Tuesday, April 28, allows hospitals to resume elective procedures as long as they follow certain health safety precautions. All dental, medical or surgical procedures have been forced to postpone since March 28.

Hamilton hospital earns another 5-star rating

HAMILTON  - The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released updated star ratings, and North Mississippi Medical Center (NMMC)-Hamilton received a five-star rating.
The ratings are a composite metric of one to five stars, with five being the best. They intend to convey the overall quality of nearly 4,000 hospitals in the U.S. and are posted to the CMS Hospital Compare site.